Review of General Skilled Migration for 2017/2018 is well and truly is motion with the South Australian government releasing the latest update.
At 9am (Australian Central Standard Time) on 19 April 2017, the requirement for high points nomination increased from 80 to 85 points. This change was in response to the overall quota being achieved under the existing 80 points requirement.
This change has not affect applications lodged prior to this time. Applications for high points nomination received after this time are to be refused if they do not meet the 85 points requirement.
High points and chain migration exclusions
Effective immediately the following occupations on the Supplementary Skilled List are no longer available for high points or chain migration nomination:
- 221111 Accountant (General)
- 223111 Human Resource Adviser (not available for high points since 02/09/2016)
- 225113 Marketing Specialist
- 225412 Sales Representative (Medical and Pharmaceutical Products)
- 242111 University Lecturer
- 242112 University Tutor
- 251511 Hospital Pharmacist
- 251513 Retail Pharmacist
This change does not affect applications lodged prior to 1pm on 5 April 2017. Applications for these occupations lodged after this time are to be refused if applying for high points or chain migration nomination.
We are expecting other states to release further updates in the lead to 1 July 2017 release of the updated SOL.
What you should be doing:
If you are planning to lodge a subclass 189/190 application, you should actively seek to ensure that you are able to meet “time of application” criteria such as skills assessment, English language and any other applicable criteria. Whilst submitting an Expression of Interest will not guarantee an Invitation To Apply for subclass 189/190 visa, there may be transitional arrangements such as the ones listed above which could be favourable to your personal circumstances.
Source : Migration Alliance