BMS - 190510 #DoItForDollyDay

BMS - 190510 #DoItForDollyDayToday is the inaugural Do it for Dolly Day 💙 – a day for us to remember a young life lost and take a stand together against all forms of bullying.

As proud sponsors of the 2019 Local Hero Award, a category of the Australian of the Year Awards, we as a Department are proud to join with Kate and Tick Everett and encourage everyone to make a positive difference at school, work and at home. #BeKind and #DoItForDollyDay

Amy “Dolly” Everett was the victim of bullying and ended her young life at just 14 years of age. Dolly’s Dream has been established by her family and friends in her memory.

Dolly’s Dream will work to create positive change and help prevent the lives of other children being lost, and act as a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Dolly’s Dream will:
• Raise awareness in communities, children, and parents about the serious issue of bullying and its devastating effects
• Work to prevent and address Bullying issues in the community
• Deliver information on ways to mitigate bullying, including cyberbullying, within school communities and to those in need
• Change cultures in the community to prevent bullying, and
• Support victims of bullying

Since the launch of this page, the Everett family has been overwhelmed by the support and kindness shown by friends and strangers, and by early fundraising efforts to establish Dolly’s Dream.

It has become evident that Dolly’s death has had a huge impact on Australians everywhere.

To safeguard the future of Dolly’s Dream and to maximize its impact, Tick and Kate have partnered with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation (ABN 96 514 115 810). The assistance of this partnership will allow Tick and Kate to progress their mission of honoring their daughter’s memory through Dolly’s Dream.

Money raised for Dolly’s Dream will go to programs and services to achieve Dolly’s Dream’s purpose.

To do this, funding expenditure will be governed by an Advisory Board which will include Kate and Tick Everett. This Advisory Board will make recommendations on how to best spend funds and ensure Dolly’s Dream’s programs and services have the greatest impact.

To support Dolly’s Dream, please make your donations to:
BSB 083-004
Account 98-827-4318 or via the link on
You can contact Dolly’s Dream
[email protected]
[email protected]



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